Typos & Minor Edits Mega-thread [Closed]

MarketPlaceService :PromptProductPurchase has a typo,

Probably the most ignorable typo but yeah


In NPC Dialog Boxes It uses the deprecated connect() instead of Connect()

“Payers” is meant to be players, I believe.

I mean if they have the VIP game pass surely they paid for it :stuck_out_tongue:


Player:IsInGroup() documentation has a Markdown formatting typo in the Note section.


On the MeshPart page, the title of the second paragraph is missing a question mark.


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Each game here offers VIP servers at the price of 10 Robux so that you, your friends, and your loved ones can have a private virtual space to play and stay in touch with one another.

Should be changed to use the new name (private servers) and note that they’re free and no longer 10 Robux.

local fruits = {"apples", "orangs", "kiwi"}
for index, fruit in ipairs(fruits) do
   print(index, fruit) --> 1 applies, 2 oranges, 3 kiwi, etc...

In the commented area, it should be 1 apples, and not 1 applies. It’s very minor, but it could confuse people and make them wonder what 1 applies to, but most likely not. Also, just noticed that oranges is spelled wrong in the table.

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According to this table, Roblox still uses the old currency of R$ instead of the modern :robux:.

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You can also find plugins in the Toolbox. The opening paragraph doesn’t mention plugins anywhere, but the tables below do.


The text formatting below the images are messed up.

In the second code sample, there is an extra bracket on the end of an if statement.


The final bracket is not valid.

The phrase [ smooth terrain using the table format"> ] appears at the very top of the page, alongside a long, dark blue bar. You can find it in the article titled Terrain:WriteVoxels.



I found a typo here: RunService:BindToRenderStep

In the “Bind and Unbind a Function” code sample, there are comments that go from Step 1, then to Step3 and Step 3 again. It should be Step 1, Step 2, Step 3.

Multiple lua libraries’ functions are mislabeled as label.functions

Affected Pages
Lua Globals
Roblox Globals


Guide refers to AnimationTrack.KeyframeReached which is deprecated:

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Syntax mistake in the VRService code example.

The line in question:

print(typ.Name + " changed. Updated Frame: " + value)

Using ‘+’ to concatenate strings is not valid Lua. It works in other languages such as C++ though. The line should instead use Lua’s concatenation, like so:

print(typ.Name.." changed. Updated Frame: "..value)

Also, please add


to the math page.


The text above the first image states that the LowerLimit is 1 when it is actually -1 because the LowerLimit extends below the Attachment.

There is an example code at the end at the page that preloads 2 images using PreloadAsync, but the explanation text says:

“In this example a Decal and Sound are preloaded into a game. Once they have finished loading the script will print a message to the output.”

When no sound is loaded and no message is printed.

Code shown as an example
local ContentProvider = game:GetService("ContentProvider")
local waitingImage = "rbxassetid://1234561"
local thumbLeft = "rbxthumb://type=Avatar&id=1234&w=100&h=100"
local thumbRight = "rbxthumb://type=Avatar&id=1235&w=100&h=100"
local failedImageLeft = "rbxassetid://1234562"
local failedImageRight = "rbxassetid://1234563"
local labelLeft = script.Parent.LabelLeft
labelLeft.Image = waitingImage
local labelRight = script.Parent.LabelRight
labelRight.Image = waitingImage
local assets = { thumbLeft, thumbRight }
local function setThumb(contentId, status)
	if thumbLeft == contentId then
		labelLeft.Image = Enum.AssetFetchStatus.Success == status and thumbLeft or failedImageLeft
	elseif thumbRight == contentId then
		labelRight.Image = Enum.AssetFetchStatus.Success == status and thumbRight or failedImageRight
	ContentProvider:PreloadAsync(assets, setThumb)

“The BloomEffect simulates the camera viewing a very bright light. It causes brighter colors to glow, similar to applying the neon Material to everything, including the the Sky.”

At the first paragraph, there are 2 “the” instead of one. (typo)