About Me
Welcome to my portfolio! I am a Roblox programmer with 4+ years developing on the platform. I’ve mainly been developing solo, though I want to expand my experience by working with a coordinated team!
My current and main project is Feudal Anarchy, a deception game that some would compare to Flicker or Among Us, although it is actually based off Town of Salem. It is a entirely solo project, with all code and UI being designed by me. Since I’ve yet to market the game for popularity, you can’t play a proper match, but you can watch some gameplay!
Here is the game link too. -
This is a demo of a past project with a team that unfortunately had to have its development halted. TowerDefense2(Testing Version) - Roblox
As seen from the showcases above, I have a variety of skills including
- Object Oriented Programming
- Module Scripts
- Datastores
- Remote Events/Functions
- Scripting visual effects
- UI functionality (and designing) for PC and mobile
- Chat functionality
Code Snippet (Requested)
function CLIENT.EquipItem(playerUnit, itemName)
local item = ItemModule:FindFirstItem(itemName) --Method to find the item stored on a separate module
local playerItem
--Loops through the player's inventory to verify they have the item
for i = 1, #playerUnit.Inventory[item.Type] do
local v = playerUnit.Inventory[item.Type][i]
if v and v.Name == itemName then
playerItem = v
if playerItem then
local EquippedStore = DatastoreModule:GetDataStore("Equipped", playerUnit.Player)
local AlreadyEquipped = playerUnit.Equipped[playerItem.Type]
--Verifies the item isn't already equipped
if AlreadyEquipped and AlreadyEquipped.Name == itemName then
return "Equipped"
--Equips and saves
playerUnit.Equipped[playerItem.Type] = playerItem
return true
return false
The best times for me to be available are during the weekends. I have time to work during weekdays, but my time is very limited due to college work and other chores.
Discord: uatemycookie#9060