Hello! I am currently scripting a player list GUI with team tabs.
Part of this process is scripting a frame to scale its height using UDim2 with variables depending on how many players there are in a team. The variable is a number value, the product of a cell’s height x the player count.
I have tried searching for other posts related to this, but I couldn’t find any. However, I tried to print (number * # of players) and it worked. UDim2 doesn’t seem to recognize this variable I’m making.
This is a LocalScript located in the frame.
while true do
if game.Teams:FindFirstChild(script.Parent.Frame.TextLabel.Text) then
local Team = game.Teams:FindFirstChild(script.Parent.Frame.TextLabel.Text)
local TeamMembers = Team:GetPlayers()
local teammembercount = tonumber(32*#TeamMembers)
script.Parent.Size = UDim2.new(0, 180, 0, teammembercount)
Does anyone have any solutions or know what’s going on? Any help would be appreciated.