Ugc Avatar guidelines lack of accuracy for Modestey Layers

Hello I’m Ryxku and I’m a upset for the last bundle I made.
I had to re-read the guidelines to make sure I don’t create “Sexual Content”.
I realized that in the Guidelines, you don’t really explain who needs modesty layers, who doesn’t need.
You only show 2 images with one who needs, another who doesn’t need.
Most of modesty layer explanations are how they must to look like :

But they are such bad examples because both look humans.
What about the rest? I mean animals and things like items or food.
I made creatures for the Roblox Marketplace and I don’t focus on only one type of character. I do various things.But I realized that there was something not logical about what I was accused of.
But I’ll be sure that’s it We agree that my cobra doesn’t need underwear, because it’s an animal right?

If you answer it needs underwear, can you explain to me why there is this example which uses a lizard with no underwear ?

Also recently one of my recent bundles got rejected for sexual content due to modesty layers.
But… It has a short and it’s based on a vegetable.
Should I take the shorts off because it’s not human?
What about the famous Billy bundle?
It doesn’t need modesty layers! So why mine needs it!?

Expected behavior

To summarize in short, we need to have clearer information about modesty layers and whether we should put modesty layers and for what reason, or is it exclusive to humans.


Here’s some clarification about modesty layers:

But I agree with your point about the documentation, it needs to accurately reflect how moderntion flags items.


Hi @Ryxku, thanks for your feedback - it is definitely well received! We actually will be posting an update to the Guidelines in early January and it will include several more examples of which avatars need modesty layers and which don’t. We will also be updating the language about modesty layers to give more clarification: “All avatars with a smooth and flat skin-like surface texture require a modesty layer. Avatars with feathers, scales, or inorganic materials such as rocks or metal, over the groin and chest area do not require a modesty layer.”

Because the lizard has texture in the groin area (and doesn’t have a protruding chest), it doesn’t require a modesty layer. Animal avatars that have smooth and flat skin-like texture in their groin area still require a modesty layer. This is because UGC avatar body parts are swappable, so modesty layers help ensure safety of all potential avatars for all users. We will look into the vegetable avatar that you said was rejected but from first glance, I would guess the shorts maybe doesn’t cover enough of the groin area.

We’re hopeful the guidance on modesty layers will become much more clear with the Guidelines update. Thanks so much!


I think this has been resolved, the Marketplace Policy page has been updated with many examples of correct modesty layers

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