As a UGC Creator that has dived into the UGC Bundle’s market a little bit, it is nearly impossible to compete with other items that are released for an extremely low price or free. i know a lot of regular players outside of development are going to just be like “cope” or “skill issue” but I’d like to talk about this issue in a more developer, self employed perspective.
Take a look at the best selling past week, what do you see?
Mass majority of items on best selling are things 2 robux or free, while i can understand that for things like the Man package, or the roblox created bundles, everything else being free destroys the market significantly.
Everything else on the UGC Catalog has a price floor
Accessories, Layered Clothing, all of that stuff has a price floor of some sort. The point of having a price floor is so people don’t price cut to immense amounts on things. Having people create bundles just to make them free makes it nearly impossible for others to compete with the market since people are going to go for something free rather than buy it.
People keep expecting things to be way cheaper than reasonable
Over the past few years, things have already went from being around 100 or so robux on average to maybe even 30-40 robux on average. Bundles having no price floor and being able to be put onsale on free makes peoples perception of money thrown out of the window basically.
I’ve seen a lot of people even complain that something as low as 30 robux is too expensive despite how much more work bundles are than accessories and layered clothing combined. The fact that due to this having no price floor people are starting to set expectations to have these type of stuff lowballed beyond oblivion makes it not very much worth making bundles.
“that’s a lie! people think of bundles the same as accessories”
Good news for you, I actually have a few examples of comments regarding a couple of bundle’s that I have created, here is a montage of screenshots that prove otherwise

what about the people that don’t have robux?
Bundles can be gotten for free back then in multiple ways such as events, and the UGC limited’s where you have to pay for a certain amount, at this given moment where not everything is a limited yet, is at least a half decent alternative. that doesn’t screw up the market and the people that have to scavenge for free things, can still get free things if they put effort into it instead of it being spoon fed.
What changes would I want to improve the bundle catalog
I do in fact have a few suggestions on this, and how it would help creators
This will even out the amount of work that is required versus the current expectation of prices for things like layered clothing, except a bit more expensive as its a lot of work
People will need to pay up to release things that are free, so it’s not as overpowered in the market
UGC % in general should be higher but at minimum, have it be higher for UGC bundles, theres way more steps of creating a bundle than other types of UGC items