UGC Bundles with SurfaceAppearance AlphaMode set to Transparency

There are currently UGC bundles onsale using SurfaceAppearance textures with the AlphaMode set to Transparency. Setting the property to Transparency currently does not even pass UGC validation.

An example of this is the Glass Head.

The Glass Head viewed in the Roblox Studio explorer

Expected behavior - as seen, only Overlay as AlphaMode passes validation

The texture of this head has an alpha value of 85, making it semitransparent. However, when rendered on the website, it is seen as fully transparent (invisible).

Additionally, in game, the head is only visible on the last 2 levels of Graphics Quality, being fully invisible for the 8 first levels of graphics. This essentially makes it a Headless Head copy, explaining the popularity of the item.

Fully transparent UGC Bundles provide unfair advantages to both UGC Creators and players, especially in competitive games. It additionally takes away from those who have spent 31,000 Robux for the Headless Head.

A solution to this issue would be to retroactively take down bundles with SurfaceAppearance AlphaMode set to Transparency or adjust them to Overlay.

Expected behavior

UGC Bundles with SurfaceAppearance AlphaMode set to Transparency should not exist as it does not pass validation and causes issues with other Creators and Players both in competitive settings and because it is used to resemble expensive original Roblox bundles.


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you!