UGC Catalog is Now Live!

As once again said, they have tools to prevent duplicates but are still in development. If something gets caught in the process, it won’t be published. Trust me, we won’t have the same problem as the shirts and pants catalog.


Sorry, didn’t see it. Thanks. I’ll keep an eye out.


Late reply on this reply, but, I know that these items do look very similar, but, in my opinion, the UGC items being made by trusted people will probably stay a comfortable distance.
Take for instance the bowler example.
The bowlers are very similar, yes, but, the UGC item has a unique mesh and texture, not only not having the same feel as the original.
The fedoras are the same story, they may look very similar, yes, I’ll give you that, but, the Classic Fedora just has that feel that the Downtown Denizen can’t achieve.

So here’s my final comment,
UGC is still in the works. It will improve. Roblox staff has said such. Better security will be implented, both for copying items, and posting items. This is up to ROBLOX to supply to us.

If you’ve made it to the end before replying to me, Thank you for reading.

Edit 2022: this aged like milk sitting in the sun for a year straight.


Anyone claiming that the fedora and bowler look similar to existing catalog items beyond color and shape need to get their eyes checked. A black fedora isn’t a rip off of another black fedora just because it’s a black fedora too.


Thank god a higher up has said this! There really is no comparison:



A post was merged into an existing topic: Show Off Your UGC Creations

Your right, the shape is the shape of a “fedora” and also the two if you check its textures it looks nothing alike.


Will this feature ever be enabled for everyone?


No one knows… no one knows. Probably not though. But anything can happen.


Would be cool to upload hats to your groups and you don’t have to be.certified or approved so you could make like ex. Fire roleplay you can upload fire helmets for you yourr group


Yes, it would be cool, but we do not want people selling an item that is already in the catalog and we do not want people to steal/copy/free model and sell it.


Yes, people will eventually be able to upload UGC content from their groups.

Q: Will Groups be able to upload to the UGC catalog?
A: Long term, we want to allow Groups to upload to the UGC catalog. Group clothing stores are a very popular way to sell UGC Shirts and Pants and we want to enable this for other UGC asset types too

To answer this question. I still think you would have to be approved to create content from groups as lots of people on Roblox will just create duplicate assets.


I feel like this would be the biggest update to Roblox, characters would be so different and we’d probably see a lot of cosplays which would be nice. But we know people will find a way to bypass it. I’d find it better if we had like monthly polls where we vote the best accessories made by fans and we get like 5 or so each month.


That is a good idea, but it may cause bias.

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Yeah, but there’s no way to make everyone happy.

I fell this needs to be a thing so like we can sell fd hats or like custom tems like for police roleplay hats sorry if it seams repetitive

Seems* Yes, it is a good opportunity for a new Roblox. Cannot wait to see what Roblox chooses to do with this UGC Catalog.

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I don’t think this will be enabled for everyone all across Roblox. This is due to the fact that lots of people across roblox have little to no experience in 3D modelling. Also, lets take a look at the shirts/t-shirts, most of them are direct copies of each other so this means Roblox will need to be careful of who they allow to upload UGC content.

With both of these points said, I strongly anticipate you will have to go through an application/approval process of some kind to get to use this feature. If this is the case you would most likely have to demonstrate that you have experience in 3D modelling.

Here is some evidence from the original post that suggests that you may have to go through an approval process of some kind to gain access to this feature:

I am not sure if both of these points are referring to this initial launch of this feature or are they referring to the future of this feature as well. As @Samchan77 has suggested, no one know what the future of this feature will bring. Maybe Roblox will release this feature for everyone across Roblox to use.


I love this update, as as for moderation on the assets, it would be very interesting to see how Roblox will plans this out.

I think it would be best if there would be, like many others have said, an application form/process you need to go through in order to be an official “Catalog Asset Creator”. For every item that gets uploaded, Roblox should review them individually and maybe have an automated system that compares them to every other model in the catalog to see if it’s a duplicate.
If you’re worried about like lets a model that is similar to something else in the catalog, just have the system also check the texture.

Anyways, thank you to the team that made this possible!


Is there a way to make hats for groups with the UGC catalog or is that for the future/2020?