I hope this in the right area… But I made a Brain Explosion for fun!
It looks a bit gory so it may be against tos [idk]
I hope this in the right area… But I made a Brain Explosion for fun!
It looks a bit gory so it may be against tos [idk]
It doesn’t look like a brain in my opinion.
I’d go back to the drawing board and remodel the pink cube to look more like a human brain and have small chucks of it coming out of it and blood to represent the explosion.
I agree, I’d definitely remodel that brain. Also the bits of red on the outside just doesn’t make it look like an explosion in my opinion. Cool concept though!
The shape needs to look more like a brain. The explosion needs to look less cube-like. Maybe turn it into a raindrop the shape of the blood.
Didn’t realised this was a joke whoops.
(I get the joke now)
lol to be completely honest I went into this blindly as a joke… Thanks for the feedback though xD
It was all meant to be cube shaped [This concept was mainly a joke] I’ll do some real ones in the future xD
Thank you! As I said above this was mainly a joke and in a easy cubic style… I imagine a robloxian brain as a cube for some reason
In the future I’d think about posting a joke, and if you do say something about it in the post.
I think to keep it within the TOS you could exclude the blood but instead have a explosion cloud rising from a less cubey brain.
Mk, lol! I’ll keep that in mind