UGC Concept | BrainSplosion

I hope this in the right area… But I made a Brain Explosion for fun!

It looks a bit gory so it may be against tos [idk]


It doesn’t look like a brain in my opinion.

I’d go back to the drawing board and remodel the pink cube to look more like a human brain and have small chucks of it coming out of it and blood to represent the explosion.

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I agree, I’d definitely remodel that brain. Also the bits of red on the outside just doesn’t make it look like an explosion in my opinion. Cool concept though!

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The shape needs to look more like a brain. The explosion needs to look less cube-like. Maybe turn it into a raindrop the shape of the blood.

Didn’t realised this was a joke :sweat: whoops.
(I get the joke now)

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lol to be completely honest I went into this blindly as a joke… Thanks for the feedback though xD

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It was all meant to be cube shaped [This concept was mainly a joke] I’ll do some real ones in the future xD

Thank you! As I said above this was mainly a joke and in a easy cubic style… I imagine a robloxian brain as a cube for some reason

In the future I’d think about posting a joke, and if you do say something about it in the post.

I think to keep it within the TOS you could exclude the blood but instead have a explosion cloud rising from a less cubey brain. :smile:

Mk, lol! I’ll keep that in mind