I’ve been trying my hand at making some accessories in Blender, they’re nothing special but I’d like some feedback on what you think of the models, and any tips on how to make cleaner meshes and UV unwraps! 
Fuzzy Top Hat
Buffalo Hat
Black Aviators
Old Ushanka
Rusty Mask
Green Aviators
Japanese Basket Hat
Nothing too special about them, but you should try experimenting with roughness and normal maps.
I think all of them are good, but I don’t think they’ll get you into the UGC program.
That’s fair, I’m still trying to get my head around the software so I wasn’t planning on applying soon lol.
Would you by any chance know if there’s a way to combine the roughness/normal maps? Because I have them available and separately exported, but I can only use the basecolor as a texture. It’s not the same as PBR materials, is it?
I’m not sure if roughness is available, but I know normals are. Not the normal image maps, but the ones embedded in the mesh. I’m not sure how to get there.
I’ve constantly seen people upload UGC with incorrect normal data these days.
I’ll look into it, thanks for the tip!
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