UGC Dynamic Head FaceControls displaces bones on import

When importing a UGC avatar bundle or dynamic head to Roblox Studio using ‘Import 3D’, sometimes face bones would end up displacing from its intended position. It is always the same ones upon every import. The displacement of the face bones also affect the rest of poses in the facial animation as well.

For example, this is a dynamic head in its intended position in Blender.


This is what it looks like when imported to Roblox Studio using ‘Import 3D’. Three bones are not in their usual positions, thus three vertices will show unintentional displacement in the facial animations. I’ve tried to fix it using methods such as freezing/applying transformations and completely re-rigging the face.

This only happens when the dynamic head is rigged/skinned and when it has the FaceControls in it. Deleting the FaceControls object returns the vertices back to their intended positions, so something might be wrong with the FaceControls that the importer generates.


Thank you for adressing this issue, i’ve encounter several bugs while using the dynamic head feature. The bug you’re experiencing is one of them.

This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and we will update you when we have further information!

Thanks for the report!

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Thank you, I’ll continue to log every bug I encounter here

Experience the bug again

Another one!

Could you provide some FBX files, so our engineers can investigate? @dvdko @BenereV2

Thank you!

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Sure I just messaged you with the file.

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I’ve encountered another bug regarding dynamic heads.

Video: Unintended expression change (

Position of the eyebrow and the monolids alter when I run the game

Hello, this bug is still present when importing dynamic heads. The bones get slightly offset and is observable with skinning.

Intended look: [FaceControls removed as child]

Actual look: [FaceControls not removed as child]

Bump, I’m having this bug right now as well. Everything is perfect, I checked the weights, the bones, the naming conventions, the custom properties and such. When I remove FaceControls from the Head this issue is gone, however I can’t animate the face if I don’t have FaceControls inside the Head. Looking for a workaround if anyone has one.

FaceControls parented to Head

FaceControls removed from Head

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