Some UGC DynamicHeads have varying PivotOffsets that can cause issues when getting the Pivot CFrame for a character’s Head. This is different from the Roblox default and official DynamicHeads with the PivotOffset set to none.
To reproduce, simply wear a DynamicHead and view the PivotOffset in Studio Properties.
Example 1. UGC Dynamic Head (BundleId: 8531): (Y-Axis change in PivotOffset)
Example 2. UGC Dynamic Head (BundleId: 8341): (Position and Rotation changes in PivotOffset)
Example 3. Roblox-made Dynamic Head (BundleId: 1156): (No PivotOffset)
Expected behavior
All Head avatar items shouldn’t have a PivotOffset like Roblox-made Heads