UGC Falsely Moderated & Appeal Denied

My UGC bundle “Tiny Faceless Head” which is literally a scaled down version of one of my other bundles “Faceless Head” was moderated for “Misusing Roblox Systems” so naturally as any person would do I checked the tos to see if I really did “Misuse” the roblox systems or break tos in any way and in no way did I break tos. I tried appealing twice and was declined both times with a vague response of “We have reviewed your appeal. This activity is still in violation of Roblox Community Standards.” each time. My second appeal was denied in a minute, so it doesn’t even feel like they looked at my comment or at the bundle and how it could “Misuse” the system properly. Which is very frustrating

To top it all off there are also plenty of similar bundles / items on the catalog which I made sure to mention in my second appeal which got denied after 1 minute of submitting it.

All Relevant screenshots will be included below, but as an aspiring UGC creator and a user on roblox for over 13 years this level of moderation is really disappointing and demotivating.

Hopefully my item can get restored cause this just doesn’t make sense to me.