UGC Layered clothing removes hidden faces fine in studio but when I upload it completely breaks

Hi, I have this weird issue where in studio the clothing equips correctly, but when I pay the fee and upload to ugc the clothing completely breaks in games and doesn’t remove the faces beneath the clothing. I even tested inserting the uploaded accessory back into studio ant it works perfectly. It only doesn’t work in normal roblox games.

Inner cage:

Outer cage:


Hey @Inf1n1tylt,

Sorry you are having this issue :frowning: You probably hit a problem with the hidden surface removal in the layered clothing system and I’m forwarding this info to our engineering team to debug/fix.

In the meantime, I noticed your outer cage does not completely envelope the dress, and during gameplay the body parts showing through the clothing more or less correspond to the hip area where the outer cage goes under the dress.

Have you tried to edit just that area, pulling the outer cage vertices outwards to envelope/cover the dress? This might resolve the problem for now.

Also, we recently released an update to the documentation listing best practices for cage editing. This is the link in case you haven’t seen this doc.

Please, let me know if the cage edit on the hip area works.
Thank you,

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We were using a custom inner cage and it didn’t work for this clothing. I made it to fit the default cage and made the side skirt cutaway lower and blocked it off and it fixed it. We can’t debug what caused it coz it costs my friend 750 robux to test it. There might be some studio bug because it works in studio, but not in real games. This is the fixed version: Battle Blue Dress Warrior Chun-Li - Roblox . Also it is still kinda unclear how to do outer cage for skirts?


I’m also having this issue and am wondering if a fix for it was ever implemented. I documented my similar problems here

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