UGC Limiteds appear broken in Sale CSV Export

When downloading my sale export for April, the newly released UGC Limiteds appear broken. The columns “Asset Id” through “Asset Type” are “Null”. This makes it very difficult to learn information about UGC Limited sales.

Example below. The first result is a UGC Limited sale, the second one is a normal item sale.
Id,Buyer User Id,Date and Time,Location,Location Id,Universe Id,Universe,Asset Id,Asset Name,Asset Type,Hold Status,Revenue,Price
TMbYLZTSHzETOcRQaFDzUw,3780796977,2023-04-11T01:51:32.793Z,WebSite,Null,Null,Null,10781701701,Black To Red Fluffy Middle Swept Hair,HairAccessory,Held,22.0,75.0

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Thanks for the report! We’ve filed a ticket in our internal database.


Hi There!

We have resolved the issue and it should be fixed going forward! Thank you for the report!


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