For the past 2 years, I’ve constantly had to deal with being falsely moderated by the UGC moderation team and its favoritism on whether to uphold policy or not. As a result, I’ve received several bans throughout my Dynamic Head journey while others remained unscathed. Despites me appealing these bans several times, it appears that I’m still being punished for overturned moderations on serval of my items. During these 2 years, my frustrations toward the moderation has only grown. Its inconsistency and reoccurring moderation have become frustrating.
Face # 1
1: Upper Moon Face Deleted. They claim that the multiple eyes are “tattoos” and deleted it. Fortunately, after going back and forth with them it was reinstated 3 days later
2: Less than 2 days later, it was deleted again, for the same reason and has yet to be restored.
Face #2:
1: Meguna Face was deleted and reinstated a year ago. The moderation claimed its second pair of eyes, despite it moving, blink and functioning like its other pair, were tattoos that needed to be uploaded separately. Fortunately, during this period, I managed to convince them otherwise
2: Later, It was not only deleted for the same reason, I also received a one day ban for it. When i tried to appeal I was immediately rejected and have yet to receive a response for 2 weeks now. How is this fair?
Face #3:
1: Similar to face #1 & 2, this face was also moderated for tattoos and appealed nearly a year ago. and was appealed the following week.
2: Once again, the face was falsely moderated for having an extra mouth and eye. The mouth and eye, just like its other pair function the same way. Despite that, the moderation claimed that the extra pair of eyes and mouth had to be uploaded since they were deemed to be "Tattoo.’ Unfortunately, these faces have yet to be reinstated.
Face #4
1: A face I appealed last year was also properly reinstated. The Roblox admin argued that the face had “markings/tattoos” however, this argument was swiftly countered which resulted in its reinstation
2: Despite me appealing this face a YEAR ago, the item was deleted yet again, and I was banned for it.
Face #5:
1: Early today (2/19/25) I uploaded 11 dynamic heads. 10 of the 11 heads were accepted. However, one of the heads which were not accepted cause me to be banned for another day. Sure a day ban may not seem a lot, but as a consistent bundle uploader, one day bans build up quickly and it can get frustrating.
10 of the 11 faces which were accepted:
1 of the 11 faces which were rejected and caused me to be banned:
Regarding Roblox moderation inconsistency, a great example would be the recent transparency policy. Roblox had a strict rule which in short said, “Do not create items that depend on glitches and issues on the platform.” Despite that, thousands of people still decided to abuse the transparency glitch. Furthermore, Roblox not only didn’t punish people months after the glitch was introduced, Roblox is now trying to find a way to allow this feature to exist. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy Roblox is trying to implement a feature like this however, my issue lies around Roblox not giving the same energy to us bundle creators being consistently flagged for content such as tattoos and makeup.
The moderation inconsistency has been causing me to be banned relentlessly despite being a good faith creator. Why is it that when a good faith creator such as myself “breaks” a rule I’m relentlessly punished and ignore while others remain unscathed and voiced.
I believe a solution to prevent several of these bans would be to give the players what they want. Give head makers permission to apply makeup/tattoos onto their heads. It’s clear that it’s something people want.
A private message is associated with this bug report