UGC moderation seems to pass inappropriate and copy righted items

the issue :-

this issue has been on Roblox for a long time now , these inappropriate and copy righted items is every where now i do not know what exactly causing this issue , as a user every time i open the marketplace i see at least 1 or 2 of these items , every time i see one of these items i report it on a hope that you are going to take any action but nothing happens i do not know why there may be an issue with the report item system or so
what this issue is causing :-

users can use these inappropriate items to do many bad stuff on the platform
these copy righted items can cause issue to the whole platform

here is some images and links to help to solve the issue all i want is to help you making Roblox better and safer :-

thanks for making Roblox a safe place

Expected behavior

these items should not be on the Roblox marketplace


Thank you for the report. This is an acknowledgement message. We have assigned it to our team for review.


i am the one who should be thankful that you responded