Not just talking about moderation of taking down inappropriate items, but also taking down APPROPRIATE ITEMS!
I literally got falsely DMCA’d 3 times, got terminated, appealed for over a month, got a strike removed (other 2 are still there), and then after that, so many of my UGC items get taken down for dumb reasons.
I’m in the same boat right now, I literally wanted to buy my mom a car for christmas but I can’t since Roblox’s copyright agents still haven’t done anything after 14 days of receiving my Counter Notice. Not to mention roblox just took a Devex break until the 2nd of january
All of the DMCA’s I received were fraudulent and the strikes were removed, but the penalty kept progressing, which is just proof of incompetency from Roblox.
My story is a bit different, but still.
I did upload assets that I based upon existing franchises (I made an Avatar the Last airbender outfit (classic shirts 2x + classic pants 2x) and got 2 warnings at different occasions on one of the 4 assets. But as soon as I got my first warning I took everything offsale from the outfits, still I didn’t fight it as in the past I got stupid warnings about zombie shirts being to revealing. Unaware, that a third strike might lead to account inactivation I remade minecrafts new mob (the Creaking) as a UGC item. And a month later my account got taken down. I try to tell the support team my story, but there seems no room for context or nuance. full story here
Something I do know is that there’s probably a moderation wave currently. All those SM64 games from @MaximumADHD and @Nobonet’s engine got taken down for copyright, lots of Windows game too, and I guess clothes and UGCs will pass by there too.
I also have to mention, but keep any potentially copyrighted clothes safe. My friend and me have a clothing group called “Pichu Hack” (we remastered clothes there) and we had to archive almost every clothes to prevent problems. Roblox is under serious changes, and we’ll have to do with.
EDIT: I’ve been even wondering yesterday if we could say that being a creator on Roblox became dangerous, but yea, no.
About this, I’ve made a ticket to remove the strikes from my account for those clothes and still no answer since three days ago.
As it’s less off-topic than saying it in mine, Roblox really needs a live support like NVIDIA. It’s a major issue with the moderation. And if they had to, we could get help from real persons, and this would help a lot. Roblox Support never helped me because I do not only get premade answers, but also off-topic answers (or is it because I do phrase things badly?)
I totally agree, a life chat with someone who’s in power of restoring our accounts could be lifechangeing. Not only can they than look at our history, they can be more justified and give an appropriate penalty. If you have a copyright strike on Youtube you just get your video demonitized or taken down, here only 3 strikes can result in total account annihilation and that’s too powerful for the mistake we committed. Something like this should be for copy-pasters or for people who ONLY post copyright protected assets. anyway it would leave more room for context and dialog.
For me I don’t even see the Violations… When I go to “Appeals and Violations” I only see “image removed” back from in 2023. whilst all DMCA claims are from 2024 and not showing. I appeal, they sent an email, I reply and when they end with “we’re unable to provide you with any further information or response regarding this inquiry” I just start over and appeal again. Is this the way to go? or do you keep replying to the email?