Welcome to my portfolio, here’s a few things about me!
I’m an LGBTQ+ creator,
My main skills for development have recently been shifted towards 3D modelling,
A lot (but not all) of my work is open source, meaning after I’ve finished creating it, its all yours to use,
I aspire to join the UGC program, as a means of spreading my work publicly,
I’ve been modelling for little over a year now, first being introduced to the skill by college.
Showcasing my work!
Below are some of my creations over my time exploring 3D modelling.
This however, is not all of my work, nor is it my best, its simply what I’ve already made public and wish to share.
Animated showcases
Content I’ve helped to create!
In the past I have helped create assets and this includes two UGC items which are currently for sale.
Below I have listed both their original base templates and their fully finished UGC counterparts.
If you wish for proof of my participation within the creation of these hats, my username can be found within the description of these items.