UGC Portfolio Feedback

Hi, im looking to be aceppted in the ugc program, 2 months ago I submitted my UGC appeal, as they are taking a bit, I would like some opinions on my portfolio, I don’t have my own style yet, so I did a variety of things, i didnt wanted to create complex things yet , so what is your opinion?, is there anything I could improve? Thanks in advance!

Captura de pantalla 2023-10-12 040721

Captura de pantalla 2023-10-12 041029

Captura de pantalla 2023-10-12 041045


These models look VERY good! I like the style and colors of all of them! Roblox normally replies to a UGC Application after a few months for some people, so just be patient. In the mean time, if you can and want to, you should post your models and creations on other social media to gain attention if you don’t already.

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Wow! This UGC is amazing! Especially the Wings and the Dragon…nice shading! 10/10!