UGC Program Kick Notices only recieved by previous program members

Above is the message previous program members recieve once they are kicked from the UGC Program, with kicks varying from 7 to 14 days. The error here is that since UGC has gone public, this notice has not been given out to public creators, creating confusion amongst new creators on how long their access to the program has been taken.

Expected behavior

Public UGC Creators should be informed on how long their kick is from the UGC Program. This message should be seen on the create page for all creators.

Page URL:


Although this might not classify as a bug, it’d be very nice to have this API put to good use for all creators. Right now, people are going directly to the link to see how long their creation access has been revoked for.


I don’t really see how this isn’t a bug unless only original program members are supposed to be able to see how long they are kicked for which doesn’t seem very fair. Also I don’t believe going to this API should be a permanent solution to this issue.