UGC Program: Updates to avatar bodies and heads + opening up creation

Can u make 3+ ugc in a day? because, im waitting to be let in the UGC program.


They are no longer accepting people into the UGC program. I am sorry to tell you that.



  • Items limited to a trading circulation – ROBLOX cannot profit without any new items added to the circulation
  • ROBLOX profits 30% off any resales, and resales are usually bought with purchased amount of robux which is crazy expensive.
  • Successful traders reaps from fail traders.

One of the reasons why roblox stopped releasing offsales into limiteds is because they essentially permitted free robux to be added into the circulation of trading.

Players has to buy robux to buy items, and usually in this specific case, buyer robux → owner robux + 70% sold robux, as ROBLOX takes 30%.


Is it true that the price floor is going to be changed again for bodies, from 75 Robux to 175 Robux?


yes its true each bundle with a price tag under 175 just got updated to have the 175 price tag (not the normal roblox bundles)


This is anti-user, you ruined something great, AND ARE MAKING IT WORSE.
Lower it back to it least 50 ROBUX, 175 is WAYYYYY too much, what are yall on, ROBLOX Employees?


also, 'nother thing I will add:

Why is it that 2D clothes, which takes very little effort (In comparison to 3D, 2D is still a chore depending.) in comparison to 3D, given more of the revenue, meanwhile 3D gets less, despite being harder, longer, and overall more complex to even make?

That makes NO sense.


clothings sell from 5 robux, while 3d assets sell from at least 15, and even 100 minimum for back items etc. so thats why


Does anybody know what happens with your application if you applied the day before this announcement was made about closing the UGC apps and reopening them next year?


They are not doing it all all that includes past applicants who did apply. They are not adding anyone new to the UGC program even if you did apply prior to the announcement.


Ah okay, thanks for clearing this up!

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Source: “Trust me bro.”

Coming from the guy who regularly uploads limited item rip-offs and near 1:1s this means very little, if anything you’re just promoting your own UGC with this post.

“Experienced trader/hoarder.” ← explains everything. lol

I think you missed the part where I outlined that this is a theory. I don’t know where you are seeing me upload 1:1 items but I’d have your eyes checked.


No, you never said it was a theory or anything like that, you should be the one getting your eyes checked. The way you worded most of it comes across as you believing everything you’re saying to be 100% factual.

I wouldn’t say it’s a ‘controlled demolition’ but I get your point over the frustration.

By the experience I have had with communicating with staff members ever since I have been a part of multiple DevRel programs, I can assure you that this isn’t a blind game or declaration of the said liability. It’s more of a not-too-important-compared-to-other-things kind of stuff. The push back of public UGC as far as I assume, is because when Roblox does wanna bring change to this UGC/trading system, they wish to dedicate time to it instead of doing something in a rush. I am fairly certain the entire mess will be cleared AFTER Roblox’s update announcement and that we are wrong to assume their stance on this matter.

This is a strong statement which I dont think is very practical since UGC, trading and the marketplace in general is an integral part of Roblox and they are never going to compromise with their customer service. To be really honest, the support system is really good and most of the times when users complain it’s actually their fault in not providing the right information in the detailed manner. There are mistakes too, but those are rare.

The UGC system is closing in for a big change, and we all hope the update saves the catalog!

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Yeah, hoping they’ll let us make bigger heads for R6

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