UGC Program: Updates to avatar bodies and heads + opening up creation

Moderation could fix this

I feel like they just want the money from people buying more robux


This isn’t a positive change at all.

Screams give us money! While evading the whole issue of kicking people out of UGC that don’t deserve it.

So what if a player makes their AV a certain way? long as it’s not actually violating the terms of service; if that’s the case then might as well make the avatar editor premium only. :confused:

In terms of the upload fee I mean sure, some might not be able to do it or wouldn’t want to blow money except there are others that will do this regardless.

I sure do miss the days where a lot of stuff was free, including the ability to sell* classic clothing assets for free prior to the infamous price floor; and well I suppose this is that all over again but for heads and bundles this time. At least avatars in those days looked alright instead of being the average default noob at the time as a poor player, let alone buying with tickets before it’s removal.

Nowadays you can’t do much as a poor player customization wise and this is yet another unnecessary blow due to the abuse by certain UGC members still having access that they don’t deserve.


More things that get unfairly removed because they dont fill enough of the bounding box. ROBLOX FIX THIS ITS TRASH


Thats the point… they are called dynamic heads not static heads. It was already in the guidelines at launch to not make static heads.

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most players wearing 2d face and clothing

since roblox not let it ugc creator make ugc 2d face

you know

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Days later and no response to this. Whoever is squeezing every penny possible out of UGC creators genuinely needs to lose their job at this company. It’s blatantly money-hungry and has been silenced and ignored by Roblox for years now, my patience on this issue is wearing extremely thin.


Of course Roblox wants money, but I’m sure the creators do too. This price floor update will also make it so developers aren’t expected to release packages for little to no money. With a price change also comes with higher quality items that will be popular, instead of just the free factor that has majority focus.

There is a prime example of creators earning little in the clothing community. People who make clothing are expected to price their work at 5-7 robux or else people will find an issue and not purchase.

Also Roblox probably rolled out free heads & packages as a plan to popularize it among the community. I definitely am not shocked at seeing them change this which is an improvement in many ways.


This feels like a really annoying change to add. This just objectively makes things worse does it not? This is actively damaging imagination on the platform just because it makes the higher ups mad that people don’t want to conform to your vision of having weirdly animated faces. I feel like most of the visions Roblox has for the future of avatars is something a large section of the community is actively against, so they will just try their hardest to force it onto people. You can still innovate your platform without trying your hardest to tear down the already well received past.


I have to agree - it’s protecting the higher up earners (moaners/greedy).
You are right - it’s blocking children’s creativity… including the fun aspect as well.

Any experience can force what avatar’s, weapons, props, etc, can be used in their experience.
I guess purely UGC creators need to rather team up or advertise their goods to game/exp developers, rather than expecting Roblox to do it for them.
Yes, I know it’s a business too, but it’s created on the backs of the players, not the sales team.

It would be better for Roblox to separate the free stuff (uploaded free by kids) from the Sold Stuff (mostly UGC stuff paid to upload)
It should be easier to see (and separate) the Pro stuff vs the kids uploaded “clutter”.


But they aren’t, developers were able to upload it for as much as they want but most didn’t because they actually care about the average roblox player.

Source? So far its whatever people buy more (whatever is trending)

I really want a source for this claim, on my old account I owned a clothing group and most of the things were under 5 robux but the clothing around 10 robux sold alot more (over 10k clothing sales in total)


If something is free it is pretty much guaranteed that it will have many more sales and be more popular in the catalog and elsewhere. This can push things costing R$ aside and in turn making less profit for more serious developers (and Roblox themselves). I’m sure they knew this going in and released them for free only initially to get the community to like the update.

As for classing clothing, I have all my clothes priced at 7R$ and I only make 4-5 per sale for items I spend hours making, which is barely anything. I don’t price them any higher than 7 because it is already difficult to get some initial purchases. People still ask me to make my clothes that take hours 5 robux which I’ve done and it’s not worth it for me (I only got 3R$ in return). Source: I have some clothing groups with around 600k sales


And guess who’s gonna go straight back to utilizing 2D heads/faces/accessories because they decided they needed to possibly lure people in under this guise?

Seriously benefits nobody to do this instead of focus on the elephant in the room, but that’s ROBLOX for you.

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Still not updated right now when do the update is out ?

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Next day just changed the price R$75 in heads and bundles


they removed free heads and bundles
out of all things they can do
they did just that


They did not remove free faces as in ALL of them. You can still find some if you buy bundles from the Roblox account, which are also free.

Furthermore, they did not remove the faces and bundles that were free, just changed the price to 75 :robux: like any other UGC accessories which also have a price range, such as items for shoulders and other body parts for your Roblox character. This part is fine and comprehensive for both side creators and the platform, to maintain the avatar economy.


Yeah, i know.
by ‘removed’ i meant their ‘free’ price.


Billy is no longer free ;( sad news ik but… why for heads and bundles? it literally can be done to only accessories if any limited isnt a in-game rewarded free ugc then it needs the price gap of 75R$ and a uploading fee (nothing can go wrong mostly like on bundles) i just think targeting bundles for this is the worst idea possible (ik i get it fake headless but… idc about it) and make ugc require a verified id… this will probably help ugc a bit


good update. No more fake korblox or headless. Yet also bad for people who cant afford classic faces.


i think we all know they will mess that up one way or another lol