im just asking to kinda get a rough estimet for those who are in the ugc program what would your prices be is someone reached out and said hey could you upload a item to there group?
Depends are they making the item or are you sending it to them to upload?
If they are just uploading an item that you made they would probably charge you the upload fee which is around 700 Robux and an additional 1000 Robux for their time.
This is a rough estimate I am not in the ugc program if I was that would probably be my rough estimate.
Maybe try posting a job here to hire people to upload ugc items.
Roblox does have a 30% tax so if they were going to charge the upload fee plus 1000 Robux you would be paying about 2428 Robux
yeah i was just looking for rough guess say if i was to make the item then have them uploaded sadly ive been waiting to get accepted since april and alot others have been waiting too some has even resubmitted for the second time but no one has recieved anything as emails back
I didn’t know it takes that long as I made a submission in July and haven’t heard back.
alot have said 5-8 months you should get a email i resubmitted i contacted roblox yesterday in matter of fact and the reply i got was this. Hi there,
Thank you for contacting us about UGC (user-generated content) items in the Avatar Shop.
The users that created these items are part of a pre-selected group that will be able to create some accessories that were previously only created by Roblox. Currently, the submission form link is closed, we recommend keeping an eye on the DevForum post here to see when it will be available again.
If you need help with a different issue, please let us know. and the link they provided was the one where they selected people way back before they expanded on it so they have not updated there emailing side of things and when i then resent them a responds to if they can go more in detail as what about those who has been waiting some have been waiting and has resubmitted a year ago and they still have not got reply in which they told me cant go into details but they are reviewing other applications
and i only contected them becuse we need a answer to why are some players that has applied a year ago that have resubmitted and now it feels like they left us in the dark to fully do public ugc instead of going through the applications but so far i have not recived any email back either my first submittion was on april 7th i waited till august to see if any email back and never did so i resubmitted on the 4th still no answer
thats why i asked about how much would it cost incase i can reach out to a uploader to upload a item im in the works of making becuse i feel like we are left in the dark
This is good info to know – thanks!!
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You should create a new topic about how they aren’t giving any info about ugc submissions.