UGC report waiting times are insanely long and result is inaccurate

I want to put emphasis on that I am NOT doing this post to get these items deleted but rather to prove my point

Description: When reporting UGC items which clearly break Roblox rules and then tracking them (by writing down the link) you will notice that the item stays up for months after months without any moderation process. This of course causes inappropriate avatars to come up in masses if you find the right groups.

I am aware this is a somewhat controversial topic on here for whatever reason, but personally I feel this is a bug which should be addressed as it causes the safety of children on the platform to be insanely decreased. If parents had any clue what kind of content can be found on Roblox they would not be trusting the platform.

There is way more than enough items on the Roblox catalog which clearly need to be moderated but aren’t

1. Female R6 Black X [ADDON] - Roblox (goes together with 2)
2. Female R6 White Hoodie - Roblox (goes together with 1 and 3)
3. Female R6 Fishents Hoodie [addon] - Roblox (goes together with 2)
4. Small Cute Tongue - Roblox (goes together with 5)
5. White Drool [addon] - Roblox (goes together with 4)
6. Female R6 Black Hoodie - Roblox

These items used in the examples are made by just one group which wasn’t that hard to find. They were reported by me and a few others several times over the span of weeks and for some reason still exist on the platform causing inappropriate avatars to easily be made.

Expected behavior

I expect the Roblox moderation AI to be well trained enough to actually understand context and be smart enough to see that these items are inappropriate. When sending screenshots of these items to other AI’s of big platforms they instantly recognize that these items would break Roblox rules, so why can’t the Roblox AI do so. I think this should be fixed.

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In general, the review process for reports can sometimes be significantly delayed. To address this, I opted for faster reporting tools and specifically reported the items you identified.

It appears that Roblox is firm on not removing some of them; however, assets that were widely recognized as inappropriate were swiftly taken down. For items #2 and #6 on the list, the Report Abuse function is likely more effective, as I have successfully used that channel multiple times to get similar items removed.

Overall, the reporting system needs improvement, as there is no reasonable explanation for these assets remaining available for weeks after being reported. For a platform like Roblox, I believe this is unacceptable, especially from a child safety perspective.

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I can vouch for the onsite report function being objectively broken.
Aside from these accessories there’s also things like the various Jenny heads which shouldn’t be up as pornography references are flat out against the rules (see: the many Jenny heads taken down in the past when word got out and people started talking about these issues)

Interesting, I did not know that the EU report illegal content deletes the items that quickly, is that only for a specific set of countries or does it generally delete inappropriate items that quickly?

It’s only the EU. By law they have to have that function in (at least) the EU + by law they actually have to read the reports on it. The regular onsite report function isn’t legally required to do anything, hence why it doesn’t.

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EU reports are reviewed by humans, making deletion rates much higher. Onsite reports are reviewed by AI making your chances very low of a deletion taking place.

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