UGC Texture Quality Issue

I created this UGC item to upload, and it looks great in studio, but putting it on a character lowers the quality.
Screenshot 2024-04-26 112955
Screenshot 2024-04-26 113010

I have tried using a MeshPart, which fixes the texture but can’t be used to upload. I have also tried using a Texture item inside the handle, but that can’t be uploaded as UGC either.
Screenshot 2024-04-26 114319

The last thing I have tried is changing the resolution of the texture. The texture for the models in the screenshot are 512x512, and going any lower or higher makes the texture quality worse.

Any suggestions on how to fix this?


afaik, happens for R6 characters, its normal, you can upload it with the lower quality texture UGC and it will appear fine on regular models

The character rig used inside studio is R15

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The issue is that special meshes are old and make textures be low quality.
Im suprised they aren’t deprecated

Is there a way to make it better quality and be able to upload it as a UGC item?

Unless you can upload them as meshparts I don’t think there’s another way.

Already have tried that, doesn’t work to upload, the base accessory part has to be a plain part named “handle”

Unfortunately the best way to optimise against this is to optimise your UV-map to work well with smaller texture sizes. It’s worth noting that this won’t affect R15 characters after upload since Roblox converts accessories to MeshParts when loaded on an R15 character.

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I tested this by uploading the UGC and you are right, it does look normal in R15, but in R6 was worse than the models in the screenshots. Would be great if Roblox updated R6 accessories to load as MeshParts.

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