Hi, I’m making multiple accessories(this is one of them) for my UGC application and I was wondering if it is possible to make my texture not look like a mess in SpecialMesh
Hello this is a little of topic but I hope its ok! really cool! Im guessing you used substance to texture but how did you get all the different maps like metal, roughness etc into once image?
Yes im using substance to texture. Go to output template and create a new template(name it if u want), then on output maps select RGB as your output channel. Go to converted maps(bottom left of tab), then click and drag 2D view to your newly created output channel, and onto the square icon with “RGB” written inside. Select RGB channel as the option.
Go to settings and on output directory select the output template you created. if you want the shadows on your texture check “Export shaders parameters”.
I had the same problem. I just clicked a plus button on my UGC accessory and I selected “Texture”. Then, I put ID of my texture. I solved my own problem and my accessories look better.