UGC Thumbnails Glitching

Some UGC items with custom FOV thumbnail settings on the Roblox Marketplace have glitched thumbnails and 3D showcases on the item page. However, these glitches don’t appear in-game, in “Try on” character view, or on the mobile app marketplace.

Example 1: Y2K Red Purse Trendy Girl Side Handbag Gyaru 2000s - Roblox
Example 2: Satoru Gojo Hair Glowing - Roblox
Example 3: Share Bear Carried on Back Christmas Care Bears - Roblox

Expected behavior

No glitches in the thumbnail and all parts of items showcasing correctly.


This happens when your thumbnail’s camera is too far away from the object. If you are using the plugin “UGC Makers Toolbox”, your zoom should be set no lower than -20. I personally use -15 zoom to get my desired results.