Ugly saturated lights / Problems with neon parts / Roblox color space/transform issues

  • What are you attempting to achieve? (Keep it simple and clear)
    I am trying to use saturated and bright lights and neon parts in an environment

  • What is the issue? (Keep it simple and clear - Include screenshots/videos/GIFs if possible)

When the color of the light is saturated, the brighter colors closer to the point light/neon part all condense into a single ugly flat color, which looks unrealistic and flat.

First, the neon parts (I’m going to use red for everything);

This looks really bad, the entirety of the part is just one static single red color. You can choose less saturated colors to “emulate” a more realistic look, but it sacrifices the saturation and brightness(?)…

Point lights are even worse. Everything near the powerful spot light melds together into a single, blinding red. The brightest surfaces should be more white, I feel like? When light becomes brighter in real life, it just turns white eventually, it doesn’t just become more saturated. Sorry if I can’t explain this well.

Now, if i desaturate the light a little bit, it regains some of that dynamic (bright parts becoming less saturated), but i lose all the saturation of the light. The outer edges of the light are now more pink than red. And even with this “solution”, there’s still the problem of the light condensing into a single flat red near the center of the point light.

I use blender as well, and I don’t have this problem here. The saturation of the color of the point light is essentially maxxed out, but it still remains pretty dynamic. The center turns into a nice white, the fall off is smooth with no static blinding red, and the outer edges of the light maintain their intense saturation. The version of Blender I’m using is 3.4, with a modification to allow AGX view transform (which is what im using in the screenshot above)

I don’t know much about color spaces/transform, but could color space be the problem? Is there a way, if any, to change the color space/transform in Roblox Studio to something more like AGX? I looked up information on Roblox’s color space/transform, but I’m not sure what keywords to use, and I never found out anything about how this works in Roblox.

I don’t think anything can be achieved through color correction or post processing…

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here is the possile solution: Bloom Adjustment: try tweaking the bloom setting in the lighting to see if it mitigates the issue.
Experiment with Colors: while maintaining realism, experiment with less saturated colors for neon parts to strike a balance between vibrancy and realism.
Post-Processing: Consider exploring post-processing effects, although they might not fully address the issue.
hope that solves your issue.

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Use darker colors or adjust the bloom size and internsity to be 0 and threshold to be 4. Also if you want a glow part then I suppose just use point lights that are bright but small or surface lights with same property. You can’t really do much about this because Roblox’s Renderer is from the 2010s still.

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