About Me
Hey There! I am uhWafflez and I build race tracks. I have always been making tracks on pen in paper but picked up building them on roblox a few months ago. I have learned how to make great tracks and want to bring my abailty to the market.
These are some simple race tracks that I can do.
I can work about 2-3 hours a day right now and since this virus, right now I can do a little more. I will most likely be able to get it to you in a few days depending on how deatiled you want the track.
Depending on the amount of effort you want put in it, the one I have shown you I would sell for for about 1,500 Robux. A more deatiled one would be around 1,500-3,000.
You can contact me on Discord at uhWaffles#5843, That is the best way to reach out to me but you can also contact me on the Formus here to.
Thanks for reading!