Dev/Underrated - Scripter [OPEN!]

-Has been taken down by creator.


Hi! What kinds of things do you work for free for.

Hello, what would be your price if I were to ask you to make map voting bot, and make respawning monsters? I DM’d you on Discord, ty :slight_smile:

Hey there, It’s me Dev and I would just like to say, I’m open for Commissions now (yay), I will be updating this post almost every day. Be on the lookout :eyes:

P.S. - Please don’t mind the replies above, that was for my GUI and old scripting careers

I’ve decided I will not be doing any full game scripting (heh), I don’t know why that came to mind, maybe the thought of stress whilst doing that. Sorry


No offensive, but what games have you scripted for?

Hey, for you to get more views and commission requests on your portfolio it would be ideal to put some showcase videos/gifs of your work for showcase of your knowledge.

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I have not scripted any games as yet, and the ones I am working on as of now I am not revealing them.

I am planning to do that and update my portfolio, I have tasks that need to be completed before I attempt this.