UI Aspect ratio Constraint issues

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    I am making a health & exp bar. I added an aspect ratio constraint to keep the dimensions consistent across all screens. The issue is that a gap comes between the health bar and exp bar every time i go on a different device

^Normally on my screen

^When I check it out on an ipad. There is a big gap between the health and exp bar

My Workspace:

I went on the route of putting everything in a singular frame and setting the parent frame transparency to 0. But just for knowledge, would you all know other ways to fix this?

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I have the solution,

playerIsMobile = game:GetService('UserInputService').TouchEnabled

If playerIsMobile == true then
    -- Set the frames position for mobile players, 

You can lock the aspect constraint to the height… under DominantAxis pick the Y axis.

¿What about touch laptops? Those devices will be detected also.

Oops, didn’t think about it. Hold on I’m gonna modify it!

playerIsMobile = game:GetService('UserInputService').TouchMoved or game:GetService('UserInputService').TouchTap

if playerIsMobile == true then
	-- Set the frames position for mobile players, 

I dont know if on touch laptops, players are able to move with a JoyCon or not.

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is the position on pixels it needs to be on scale and use anchor point to 0.5,0.5
and size also needs to be on scale if the sizes are also broken

A gap is still left in between when i change devices

Wouldn’t the problem still occur to users who have wide monitor displays?

Use Anchor Points then, this should keep them where they are.