UI Blurred Background

Hi there! I am currently making some UIs for my game. I would like to make it so that when the user opens the UI, their screen goes blurry. I am unsure how to do this and anyone who would be able to point me in the right direction for this would be greatly appreciated.


You could try making the client manipulate a blur object inside lighting, so when they open the Gui, the object enables and tweens to a stronger blur.

You can do this by creating a Blur object in lighting, and disabling it.
Then in the GUI local script

local button = script.Parent

   game.Lighting.Blur.Enabled = true

When ever you want to reverse it do

game.Lighting.Blur.Enabled = false
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simple, you could just insert a Blur inside Lighting then insert this script

local button = game.StarterGui.ScreenGui.ExampleButton --// Change to your button
local blur = game.Lighting.Blur
local enabled = false --// Remove this if you want it to stay blurred, or keep it if you want it to be toggled
blur.Size = 0
    if not enabled then
        enabled = not enabled
        local tweenInfo = TweenInfo.new(1) --// Change 1 to the speed of the blur fading in
        game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(blur, tweenInfo, {Size = 24}):Play()
        enabled = not enabled
        local tweenInfo = TweenInfo.new(1) --// Change 1 to the speed of the blur fading away
        game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(blur, tweenInfo, {Size = 0}):Play()

It dosen’t matter where you locate it, but I’d suggest inside the button.

Wouldn’t this enable it for the whole server? I only want it to blur the person’s screen that has opened the UI.

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I would suggest inserting a blur in the current camera instead of lighting because lighting is server-wide.

No it wouldn’t, local scripts don’t replicate to the server.


Nope! Local scripts don’t replicate to the server, meaning it wouldn’t :smiley:

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@olorhi @ignrazor Enable/disable the blur locally.

Thanks all for your help. I’ll be sure to try everything you’ve advised.

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If enabled in a local script, no, because it doesn’t replicate to the server

By the way, the tween feature I suggested makes smooth transitions possible (avoiding loops), take a look at that if you’d like.

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Yup! If you want to make a blur in, I recommend using @ShutzCh and @TheCookiezO 's methods! Mine is very simple, so if you just want it to turn on and off, you can do mine :slight_smile:

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I think you should do it in CurrentCamera, not sure because I think Lighting is shown to all clients

So yeah, they don’t replicate to the server meaning there is no need for that kind of stuff