Ui Buttons does not respond to mouse input

I was making a gui system when I realized the text buttons weren’t working at all, I tried all kinds of methods and the buttons just couldn’t respond to player input. This question seems easy to answer first, but these are some things I implemented:

Since my game is a first person game, the Ui has a modal button, the ZIndex is 0 and it covers the whole screen

  1. I use the event MouseButton1Up to detect for input

  2. The Buttons do not react to ANY user input.

  3. Help is greatly appreciated, thanks.

Properties of the main frame (don’t mind the visible property, I just have it start like that, it goes visible when needed):


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How exactly are you setting up this system?

MouseButton1Up doesn’t Detect User Input by pressing, it detects when the Player stops clicking over the Button.

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I am aware of that, sorry about the miswording (is this even a word). However, the event still does not fire.

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Cool, then:

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I am making a system where when a player gets near a part, it gives them a prompt where if they press “N” it opens the UI. That part works, from then on the player is supposed to interact with the Ui, but I cant get that part to work.

I will send the explorer tree in a moment.

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Remember scripters. game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui, not game.StarterGui

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