Ui Buttons (Feedback)

Here are Some Buttons I Made


I need some Feedback on Color and Detail what could be improved.


i think it looks cool,
but i would recommend that you be warry of trying to vary “core design” stuff too much
especially if it doesn’t allude so some larger singular “canvs”

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alright thanks a lot i am very new to Ui designing so anything help thanks for taking the time to reply

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Are there Better?


wow, way way better,
i really like how its part of a set, yet you can still understand the use.
i would add perhaps that you want to be consistent with the color fill.
but other than that, amazing.

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thanks a lot for the feed back i started making ui about 4 hours ago and have been through about 6 cups of coffee just practicing and i am trying to get good at it

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The most recent one you did has a mixture of things:

  • the wavy border and the yellow tone gives me the idea that you’re trying to make an old paper roll, with the yellow tone maybe being too saturated and, probably, trying too hard to be happy. Something else it can resemble is a cell, but cells aren’t yellow so it really doesn’t apply here. It is good that you use a single color for a defined theme, if you were to use a rainbow it would be confusing and trying too hard to be happy (though I’d put the dog’s paw in a white color, not black. Using a change between white and black can make it a bit confusing for players)
  • the white line below the symbols says something that is, theorically, very wrong: it says that there’s reflection on it and that its a shiny cube, but by the overall wavy shape of it, it’s not shiny, (shiny as in similar to a gem), more like mineral. If you were to make it look like mineral, the shining line should be just as wavy as the borders, but I dont think you want to make it look like a mineral.
  • The settings gear is a classic, and is extremely symbolic, all three of them in fact (I can get an idea of what you want to do). Dont change that, people know by the image what does each mean, specially the settings HUD.
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They look beautiful, I’m waiting for more. :slight_smile:

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