UI buttons in plugin do not work, but they would in a game

I am getting sick of it.

The buttons should work and do while playtesting the .rblx file, but the buttons do not work in the plugin window. The buttons I am talking about are the buttons that appear upon clicking nil.

Right-click should change the selected directory and Left-click should select the instance.

I tried looking at old posts, but no one, and I MEAN NO ONE has the same issue.
I also tried debugging and the buttons are active and the scripts are Enabled. What’s causing the issue?

Here is one of two scripts of the buttons:

	script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.SelectedObject.Value = script.Parent.RepresentingThisObject.Value
	script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.WhereAmI.Value = script.Parent.RepresentingThisObject.Value

Here is the script of the ToolBar:

local toolbar = plugin:CreateToolbar("Replacer")
local button = toolbar:CreateButton("Replacer", "Use this tool to replace any instance with an instance!", "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=14760187383")

-- Create new 'DockWidgetPluginGuiInfo' object
local widgetInfo = DockWidgetPluginGuiInfo.new(
	Enum.InitialDockState.Float, -- Widget will be initialized in floating panel
	true, -- Widget will be initially enabled
	false, -- Don't override the previous enabled state
	800, -- Default width of the floating window
	500, -- Default height of the floating window
	350, -- Minimum width of the floating window (optional)
	350 -- Minimum height of the floating window (optional)

-- Create new widget GUI
local testWidget = plugin:CreateDockWidgetPluginGui("Replacer", widgetInfo)
script.Parent.Parent = testWidget
testWidget.Title = "Replacer"
	testWidget.Enabled = true