UI Coming Out Weirdly?


My GUI looks normal in studio, but when I get in-game, it breaks. How do I fix this?

^^ In Studio

^^ In game

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It is likely due to the way you have sized and positioned the different objects.

Make sure to try out different resolutions in Studio using the Emulator on the Test tab to check whether you’ve created the UI in a way that is responsive and scales correctly.


I’ve tried that! I went on 1920x1080 and changed every position to where it should be, but unfortunately it also broke/changed the non-1920x1080s resolutions.

Hi! Due to different screen sizes, you’ll need to rescale the GUI. There are many GUI rescale plugins out there that can automatically do that for you.

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Is there any you recommend? I have a pro one that I bought with robux but it doesn’t seem to work, plus I don’t really understand it 100%.

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I got one a LONG time ago, this is the one I use: Gui Rescaler - Roblox

You just click it and it will auto scale for you. Unfortunately it’s offsale, but I’m sure you can find one similar to it. If I do happen to come across one I will let you know. Make sure you trust the plugins you install!


Thank you! (30 characterssss)

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Oh wait, if it still works, would you mind sending it to me on Discord? (The file to it.) If yes, my discord is izik#4251 – If not it’s fine too! I’ll just look for one.

The plugin still works, I use it to this day! If I do find the file, I’ll try to send it on Discord.

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I would recommend the AutoScaleGUI plugin.

I’ve had this issue, and this plugin automatically fixed it for me. It scales your UI for all devices, the only bad part is for text. TextScaled needs to be on or else the text will be big for the UI, but thats the only downside.

I hope this helped!