This page provides a labeled list of features in UI Copilot. It includes the icon and name of every option in the dropdown menu and gives a brief description of what each one does.
Unit Conversion
Icon | Name | Description |
Object: Size | Switch between Offset and Scale on the "Size" property of GUI elements |
Object: Position | Switch between Offset and Scale on the "Position" property of GUI elements |
Corner: CornerRadius | Switch between Offset and Scale on the "CornerRadius" property of the UICorner GUI element modifier |
UIPadding: All | Switch between Offset and Scale on the "PaddingBottom", "PaddingLeft", "PaddingRight", and "PaddingTop" properties of the UIPadding GUI element modifier |
UIListLayout: Padding | Switch between Offset and Scale on the "Padding" property of the UIListLayout GUI element modifier |
UIGridLayout: CellPadding | Switch between Offset and Scale on the "CellPadding" property of the UIGridLayout GUI element modifier |
UIGridLayout: CellSize | Switch between Offset and Scale on the "CellSize" property of the UIGridLayout GUI element modifier |
UITableLayout: Padding | Switch between Offset and Scale on the "Padding" property of the UITableLayout GUI element modifier |
Icon | Name | Description |
Remove Background From Element | 1. Removes the background of the selected GUI element(s) 2. Sets the "BackgroundTransparency" property of a GUI element to 1 |
Scale Text With Element | 1. Makes the text of a GUI element increase and decrease proportionately with the size of the GUI element's bounds 2. Sets the "TextScaled" property of an applicable GUI element to true and adds a UIPadding modifier to the selected object(s) |
Generate AspectRatio | 1. Applies the specified aspect ratio to the selected GUI element(s) 2. Adds a UIAspectRatioConstraint to the selected GUI element(s) and sets the AspectRatio property to the specified aspect ratio |
Generate UIStroke From Integrated Border | 1. Converts the border properties of a GUI element to a UIStroke modifier 2. Adds a UIStroke modifier to a GUI element configured to be similar to the border present on the selected GUI element(s) |
Fit Element To Parent | 1. Makes the selected GUI element(s) cover its entire parent 2. Sets the "Position" property to 0, 0, 0, 0, the "AnchorPoint" property to 0, 0, and the "Size" property to 1, 0, 1, 0 of the selected GUI element(s) |
UI Copilot provides the following AnchorPoint presets that can be applied to any GUI element: 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 1, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0.5, 1, 1.
You can also configure how these presets are applied to better fit how you workflow.
Icon | Name | Description |
Keep Element In Same Visual Position | When an AnchorPoint is changed, this setting determines whether the AnchorPoint should appear to have changed its position or not. This setting disables the "Apply To Position And AnchorPoint" setting. |
Apply To Position And AnchorPoint | When an AnchorPoint is changed, this setting determines whether the "Position" property is changed with the AnchorPoint. When this setting is enabled the GUI element(s) will appear to align on the borders or center of the element's parent. This setting disables the "Keep Element In Same Visual Position" setting. |