UI Corner isn't always a complete circle

Hello, I’m making an overhead gui, and it works fine, but when I zoom out it makes the GUI not a circle.

Zoomed in:
Screenshot 2024-02-23 202610

Zoomed out:
Screenshot 2024-02-23 202553


The UI Corner is (1, 0) Also I tried using an actual image, but the positioning was funky.

Thank you.


Could you try adding a UIAspectRatioConstraint (With an AspectRatio of 1) to see if that makes the UI a complete circle?

  • Also, keep the UICorner as (1,0)

It’ because the borders are being cut off, turn ClipDescendants to false on the billboard or main frame or whatever


I tried disabling clip descendants to false, but unfortunately this doesn’t work.

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I can’t add a UI Aspect Ratio constraint because the size of the billboard depends on the zoom, since the x size is in offset.

teamImage.Size = UDim2.new(0, teamImage.AbsoluteSize.Y, 1, 0)
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The code you provided seems to be making the Scale.X.Offset equal to the AbsoluteSize of the Y. Wouldn’t an AspectRatioConstraint make that code redundant as it would make the Size equal to each other?

I’m saying that as it sounds like you were saying you can’t use an AspectRatioContraint because of the code that you have. I could be misinterpreting.

In addition, could you try using sizing the UI only with Scale instead of Offset?

Maybe this is rehashing, but I’ll go through how I’d make the circle you’re trying to from scratch:

If the Size of the UI is (1,0,1,0) and there is an AspectRatioContraint with a ratio of 1, the UI should be a complete square. The Position does not matter as long as it is visible. To make that square a complete circle, you need to add a UICorner set to (1,0). Then add a UIStroke, boarder with a thickness of choosing.

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Ok this works only problem is with scale if you zoom out far enough you can see the circle change into a more rectangle shape even with a UI aspect ratio set to 1.

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I’d assume that’s due to the UICorner and how Roblox handles that. If you mean ‘zoom out’ as in the Camera, maybe you can turn off the UI when the Camera is too far from the BillboardGui.

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This could work, but since it’s an overhead GUI I want so you could always see it. I learned I can change the aspect type to parent and it works.

Thank you!

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