UI corners getting clipped

I don’t know if this is the right category since there is a Platform Usage Support category, but when I add a scrolling frame into the main frame, the imagebutton corners keep on getting clipped. Is there anyway to fix this?


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It seems like you’re experiencing an issue where the corners of an “ImageButton” are getting clipped when you add a “ScrollingFrame” to the main frame. This is likely due to the “ScrollingFrame” 's clipping behavior.

To fix this, you can try setting the “ScrollBarImageTransparency” property of the “ScrollingFrame” to 1, which will make the scroll bars invisible and prevent them from clipping the corners of your ImageButton.

Here’s an example:

local ScrollingFrame = script.Parent.ScrollingFrame
ScrollingFrame.ScrollBarImageTransparency = 1

-- Alternatively, you can also try setting the  "ClipsDescendants" property of the "ScrollingFrame" to "false", which will prevent it from clipping its descendants (including your "ImageButton").

local ScrollingFrame = script.Parent.ScrollingFrame
ScrollingFrame.ClipsDescendants = false

-- i hope you enjoy

The ScrollBarImageTransparency was set to 1, however I haven’t tried the second alternative you mention including the ClipDescendants. I’ll try that that later, thanks

why are you using generative AI bro :skull: .
People wouldn’t be asking the question here if the wanted to try AI so why bring AI here anyway?

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Is it actually AI? It doesn’t seem like it

Its the way it’s formatted. most people wouldn’t bother to capitalize and put quotes around every “Object” in roblox. We’d just say ImageButton, no need for quotes.

also the comments within the code? just put them in your main message since you’re commenting anyways.

I use AI to make responses too sometimes but I usually say “From the AI:” beforehand.

Also, did the ClipDescendants work? or do you still need help?

Yes it did work, but now the childframe of the ScrollingFrame just goes past the mainframe

as it is scrolling? (do you think you could limit how far the player is allowed to scroll?


is there anything that could be clipping them? (scroll bar?)

If there is a way to limit how far people scroll then please tell me,

But for the second question, nothing is clipping the elements, not even the scrollbar.

Does this work for you?