UI Design / Animation ideas

Hello, I do UI. Looking for some UI tween/ animation ideas for any UI. Like clicking a button and opening a shop or something call, looking for more advanced. Examples welcome

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Here are some ideas:

  1. making a button slide out a bit to the right when hovered over
  2. making text UI appear giving more info about something when you hover over it
  3. making UI scale out from the middle of the screen or flying in from the left when the button to open it is pressed
  4. making a buttons color tween to a different color when hovered over
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Thanks, do you have any ideas when the frame actually opens. Here’s a thing a made, I need more like these. Say like a shop UI. https://gyazo.com/f20c023497ffa45b6e81c3c85109432d


When the frame is completely open there is no need for more tweens that I can think of. You could have a fading/ glowing effect for a boarder. Also, the UI that pops up looks a lot better than the button. I’d make them similar. ( Could have just been a placeholder )