UI Design - Can this be organised better?

I really like the style that this UI contains. No corners, no transparency, no funky icons, etc. Thank you for helping me so much. I really love the vibe of this UI. Thanks again for your time towards helping me make my UI look from a childish non implementable design, to a professional-looking design. I will always be grateful to you.

EDIT: The only visible problem about your UI is that some of the core functionalities are kind of lost, as it is kind of hard to understand whether the lock button is in locked or unlocked state, also the “X” button is missing from the notification. Also, the setmessage is gone now.

EDIT 2: Though it looks cool, the reposition button does not signify what it is supposed to. How’d I fix that?


The Lock / Unclock is a thing, you need to script it to work. I forgot some close buttons, that’s my fault.

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What do you mean “reposition button”?

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I meant, how would I make it “appear” like it is locked?

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That golden thing… that repositions the UI window.

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Create a script, when you click it, you change the icon.

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Yes, I had been doing that in my earlier UI, but how would I implement it here? I’m just asking about the visual aspect, I got the coding part covered.

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Ooooh, I didn’t figure out what that icon suppose to do so I just put in some random icon.

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Well I used Feather Icons plugin for the icons.

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So, how would I make the locked image look?

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You create two imagebuttons one for the lock one for the unclock, and hide/show them based on the window is locked or not.

I recommend Figma for creating sketchups for your UI in the future.

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Just a clip from my previous UI showcasing the functionalities of the buttons and stuff. Kindly ignore if you see the video having a stroke lol, that is the max a GT 660 and an Intel i3 could do.


All the shown functionalities are required, but trying to implement the same on your UI, would completely destroy the current beauty (lol yeah) of it. Visually, how would I make this look better? Please note that I have never used any electronic gadget worth more than $300 so I have no idea about the flagship stuff.

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Well, it isn’t that hard to do. It wouldn’t destroy it. I would say just make a backup of your current game (in case you mess up something) and try re-script the UI.

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I meant the visual aspect lol, the scripts are and they will lol dw about that.

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What do you mean? I don’t get how it would destroy the visual aspect.

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Nevermind that, I’ll mostly find a workaround to fix that. Anyway, do you find if I basically copy your design, change a few aspects of it (quite a few tbh) and make two modes: One bright and a dark - for them?

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Haha this is nitpicky but I couldn’t help but notice that you used OnlyTwentyTwoCharacters in the bottom right there. The maximum username limit is actually 20 characters instead of 22. The person with that username is OnlyTwentyCharacters lol.


Samsung UI is kinda rounded yet cool ngl

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Okay but they hire professional UI designers and those people know how to use rounded borders on the cool way.

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