UI design concept ~ Noctarius

Hi, I’ve been using Illustrator since 12/30/20, and I’ve made my first concept for my portfolio.

Any suggestions? And I know, the logo is the epitome of garbage, I’ve yet to master logo design in illustrator. Thanks.


I think this is a great UI! I like the overall vibe and look of it! Although I would add shadow under the x button to give it more depth.

But this is overall a great UI! Love seeing your work!


I really like this UI! You did a great job on it, and the overall mood/looks of the UI are amazing. Nothing about the UI is “too much”, and the pink and white combo looks great. Great job!


I agree with @antojensob you need to add a shadow underneath the X as well.


All i can say, sweet looking UI!

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Thanks for all of the luv. <333

No, they are absolutely amazing. I could see them in your game any day.

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