UI Design Guide

By Zien

Last Update: 2024-05-19T11:20:00Z

Hello fellow UI designers and devforum members! In this tutorial, we’ll explore the process of creating professional UI designs. Throughout, I’ll provide an example to showcase the step. You may need to understand the basics of UI for this tutorial. This guide will help you craft impressive ideas and unique designs.

We will be creating a sleek modern shop interface

To begin, ensure you have access to basic software like Figma for element usage and drawing; it’s free, user-friendly, and equipped with features facilitating framework creation and sketching.

Start by sketching out the UI. This initial sketch doesn’t need to be perfect; in fact, it’s fine if it’s a bit rough. The goal is to quickly capture your ideas, so don’t worry about overdetailing at this stage. However, make sure your sketch is well thought out, highlighting the main components and structure. Here’s an example of a good sketch made in Figma.

This sketch serves an important purpose: it helps us visualize the layout of the UI and provides a clear overview of the key elements needed. By having this visual reference, we can better plan and organize our design process, ensuring that we focus on the essential aspects without getting bogged down in minor details too early.

Once you’re done making the sketch, we’ll move on to the second step: creating the basic framework for the UI. This framework will help us further understand which elements, such as UI strokes or UI corners, to use.

By establishing this basic structure, we can ensure that our design has a solid foundation. It allows us to identify and organize the necessary components, making it easier to refine and enhance the UI as we proceed.

Don’t spend too long on this step; my example took about 20 minutes to create. It’s important to add labels to clearly indicate the functions of each element. This clarity ensures that anyone reviewing the sketch can easily understand the intended interactions and features.

For this design, I opted for a colorful effect for the buttons, making them visually appealing and engaging. I also included more coins and gems to show that their amounts will increase depending on the user’s selection, providing a clear visual cue of progress. Additionally, I added a stroke to the buttons to give them more definition and make them stand out within the UI. These details help in creating a more polished and user-friendly design.

Now, onto the final step: using your designs to finalize the UI in Roblox Studio. This is where you can infuse your own creativity and style, while also drawing inspiration from other designs and concepts. However, it’s crucial to emphasize that while references are encouraged, direct copying is not. This stage is about putting your unique spin on the design, incorporating your own ideas and innovations. So, let’s bring your vision to life in Roblox Studio, ensuring it’s both original and captivating!

I just reused the element-icon drawings I made for this tutorial from the framework step lol

When creating your UI, ensuring text remains easily readable, even against similar background colors, is paramount. The text size should be well-balanced, serving as the main channel for users to grasp the UI’s content effortlessly.

Consistency in font choice is crucial for a cohesive design. Stick to a single font family across the entire UI to maintain formality and prevent visual inconsistency. Opt for fonts that align with your theme; in my case, Gotham was chosen for its modern vibe, contributing to the overall aesthetic.

Selecting an appropriate theme color is crucial as it adds vibrancy and aids in presenting the UI’s genre. However, exercise caution when choosing colors to avoid overwhelming the user. In my design, I incorporated grey for a sleek, modern appearance while infusing friendlier hues into buttons to foster a welcoming and approachable interface that encourages user engagement.

I trust this tutorial aids aspiring designers in understanding the UI creation process within Roblox Studio. Feel free to share any designs you’ve developed using the insights from this guide. Additionally, if you have suggestions for making this tutorial better, please share them in your reply. Your feedback is invaluable in refining future posts.

Thanks for reading! :heart: