Am trying to make UI like this,
And made this(I know it’s terrible)
I would appreciate it if anyone good could give me pointers to get it better
Am trying to make UI like this,
And made this(I know it’s terrible)
I would appreciate it if anyone good could give me pointers to get it better
I have a few recommendations to improve your ui.
Instances For UI such as:
UIGradient, UICorner, UIStroke
Experimenting with these instances allows you to achieve the sleek-design.
For instance, I was able to create a sleek piano design by using UIGradient.
Hope you get better at ui-designs.
I made this which am pretty happy with.
It looks great! You could have made the frame transparent and put a fade besides it, or used uigradient in the collect button or rarity But overall pretty good
Thanks, am gonna like add a gift wrap over it to make it like your opening a gift
Made this, feedback?
Looks great, but give the frame a bit more life and more stylish animation.
Try combining dark with teal or find a primary color to combine
???, I don’t understand explain more?
Combine a few colours, add UIStroke or UIGradients.
Use the transparency modifiers on the frames