UI Design Mockup: Feedback+Help

I created a mockup of an intro UI for my showcase game, and I’m looking for suggestions/feedback/help figuring out why I still think it looks weird lol


This will serve as what you see when you first join the game, as well as an easy place to see updates, credits, and possibly controls/other important info if I add anything that requires it.
The game itself is a somewhat futuristic, solarpunk style apartment in the form of an interactive showcase. Basically everything is supposed to actually work like you’d expect it to work in a real apartment! Hopefully will end up as a social/hangout place, possibly RP if it goes that way.

As it’s solarpunk, the general color scheme is the light green and light brown you see in the UI, and the main I guess ‘symbol’ that’s come to represent the game is the glowy green circle.

Again, this is just a mockup, so there’s no… animation or anything… I know things aren’t perfectly aligned either.

Any sort of feedback or ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for taking a look :slight_smile:

(ETA: Added different screenshot you don’t have to download lmao)

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Did you end up making this on Roblox Studio or on an editing program?

This was just done in paint.net lmao. I wanted to have an actual visual in something I knew how to use well before trying to make it in Roblox

Alright, generally some of the colours in the UI design don’t quite fit with the overall theme you were going for. For example, the grey ‘play’ and ‘info’ buttons seem a little too dark. I would change that to a lighter blue or light red/pink colour to make them stand out or pop out more. Otherwise keep the great work, it looks amazing! :slight_smile:

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