UI Design Mockup for RCPD:FR


I am currently a Developer for the RCPD:FR community, founded in 2012 and still going strong today. I feel like it needs a bit of an overhaul.

Give me your worst you got on how to improve.


Way too much text and the text is too small. Also, the text is inconsistant. The vertical bars are confusing on their purpose. Last thing i’ll mention is that the horizontal padding is not equal to the vertical padding in the bottom left UI menu. Overall, just some small things that add up and make the UI difficult to navigate.

FYI: There are two ending quotes on the PD team changer text. Are quotes really necessary at all?

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I do agree with the large amount of text being a bit odd, although I will say:

I’m pretty sure they’re stamina and health, and most people at this point have adapted to the fact that green/red means health, and blue means stamina. It’ll also probably make much more sense in a gameplay context.