UI Design using paint.net

Hey, I usually design my UI In Roblox Studio, but this time, I used an external program (paint.net) to design it! Tell me how it looks! :smiley:


I think those are much better then what Roblox studio can actually provide. I feel as though Roblox has a limit to how creative you can be with your UI’s. I really like how you included multiple styles in this sample! They all look great! Keep up the good work and always remember to practice!


Thank you so much, I appreciate it!!!


Part of the critique when it comes to UI is the game it is being used in. For example: “does the UI match the theme of the game?”

Since these are just samples, there’s not much that can be critiqued about them style-wise. They’re all very high quality and I can see them being used in any game.

If I had anything to say about these UI elements, it would be that the black border of the “Start” button kind of stands out against the lighter color scheme.

Nice work.

They all look really good! For the bottom one you should replace the black outline with dark green with a different hue or tone down the black.