UI Designer & Anomalies Modeller Needed

About The Job

We are re-making our current game (which was made a long time ago) in order to make it up to today’s standards. We’re looking for an experienced Anomaly Modeller to revisit certain anomalies that we currently have in our game. We’re also looking for an experienced UI Designer to design the entire game’s interface and import it into studio.

Link to the current game

[SOON] Site - 17 - Roblox

Modelling - We require about 5-8 anomalies, and we expect that each one will take up to 2 hours (probably less).
UI - We require a consistent interface for our main menu, store, certain buttons and several pages. We expect the job to take up to a total of 2-4 hours.


We offer a total of R$15,000 for the anomalies and R$20-25,000 for the UI. We’re able to pay Robux or the USD equivalent through PayPal.

Contact Us

You may send me a DM here on the DevForum.

Happy chickens :chicken:,

  • Itamar.
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I’m interested, what exactly do you need modeled? (Which anomalies)

I wish I could help out but I’m not that experienced in doing proper UI positioning and scale however I could work with a UI designer that you hire to add icons to the interface that the other person is designing. If you do want to take a look at my portfolio, go to https://giyt.page.link/GraphicsDesignPortfolio (I prefer using a shortlink to save time, link is made using Google Firebase).

Shoot me a PM so we can get in touch.

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