UI does not scale correctly for ipad

As you can see the ui on mobile scales perfectly but when i go to the ipad emulator it will turn out like trash. The UI is scaled perfectly on all other devices like pc and phone. Is there any way i can fix this?

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First question do the “buttons” have Frame or any kind of GuiObject as a parent?
And second question did you tried to use SizeConstraint property of the “button” and set it instead of RelativeXY to RelativeXX or RelativeYY?

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Yes i have parented the Health, hunger, xp bar and those buttons on the right side of the screen to a frame


And yes i have changed between those SizeContraints.

Okay so i tried changing the SizeConstraints for the health, hunger and xp UI and it seems to have fixed it but i still have a problem with the ui on the right side

It still looks like trash for every sizecontraint

Did u try same thing with the buttons on the right side? Now I see that you did.
Maybe try adding new Frame on the other side and parents these three buttons to it and make the SizeConstraint RelativeXX or RelativeXY again.

alright i think the problem is fixed, i messed around with some settings and it seemed to work :slight_smile:

Thanks for helping!

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Glad that you have it fixed now! Also very nice work with UIs I really like them keep up great work!

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