UI doesn’t hide backpack

So I made a custom animated black screen but the black has 2 issues

  1. Has a very small cap in the middle of the screen that I can see through

  2. The black screen doesn’t hide the backpack at the bottom

Turn the Guiinset (or something along those lines) to true in the ScreenGuis properties to cover the top bar.
You will need to disable the backpack and reenable it after the black screen is gone.

Could you send a picture of the small cap in the middle of the screen?

In order to hide the bar at the top where the chat icon and roblox settings icon is you need to enable ‘IgnoreGuiInset’ which is located in your ScreenGui properties

As @bnxDJ said you need to disable your backpack when the Gui is enabled and enable your backpack when the GUI is disabled

Will do! When I am on my pc

This text will be blurred

game.StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Backpack, false)

This will disable the backpack. You can replace ‘false’ with ‘true’ to make it appear again.

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I already know how to hide the top bar but idk why backpack is on top and the middle gap

Did you change the offset to 0,0 when you originally made the screenGui? If not it will appear different on different screen resolutions

I don’t know what gap you’re talking about lol

Which offset on the gui

This text will be blurred

I will send a pic when I am on my pc

Size & Position
You need to set the offset on both of those for X and Y to 0
This will make sure the Gui looks fine on every device resolution
This could be the issue why there is a gap in the middle
If you could send a picture of your screen & include the size and position offset for your ScreenGui that would be great!

Shouldn’t I convert to scale? For gui

Could you explain a bit further?
I am not sure if we are both talking about the same thing?

I use a plugin to convert all my UI to scale

Ok makes sense
Thanks for clearing that up



Here’s a video example:

Ok cool I see what you mean.
For the bar in the middle of the screen just remove the border of the Frame you are using
If not just tween one of the sides to move a bit more
For the bottom part however, you should just be able to drag your GUI down a bit

There’s probably a 100x more efficient and faster running script method for this but it’s all that I can think of right now and I’m trying to keep it simple

local gui = script.Parent
local backpackDup = Instance.new("Folder")
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
backpackDup.Parent = player
backpackDup.Name = "backPackDup"
local item = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack:WaitForChild("GravityCoil")

Put these variables at the top of your script
Change GravityCoil to whatever item is in your players backpack
When the two GUIs come together put this at the top of your script:

	local itemClone = item:Clone()
	itemClone.Parent = backpackDup

Put this script when the GUI is going away:

itemClone.Parent = player.Backpack

If you have more than just one item that the player will have let me know and I’ll try and make a more complex script

Hopefully this helps you out a bit!